Tuesday, January 11, 2011

About Me:

I was born and still reside in a little farm town called Snohomish. I have lived and breathed the smell of cow manure, horse poop on the street, long and winding country roads, big green pastures, antique stores, slow and oversized tractors, and many other so-called trademarks of the historic town, and I am proud to say I have lived here my entire life, a total of sixteen years. Although I am not one bit of a country girl, in fact, I very much dislike country music, I love and appreciate this town and I feel very fortunate to live here.
I live at home with my mom and dad, while my older sister attends WSU and lives and Pullman, and my older brother is a musician and lives on his own also in Snohomish. I am very blessed to have two very special parents who not only love me but love each other so much. In our culture today, it is not often that you can find very many couples who have been married for twenty-five years. My parents have supported me and been by my side since day one, they encourage me, but also challenge me, and help me develop into a better person. They work very hard on preparing me for the future, and adulthood, by teaching my life-long lessons and good advice for managing difficult situations. 
If it weren't for my parents finding their faith at an early age and bringing me to church every Sunday as a kid, I wouldn't be the same person that I am today. Although I dreaded going to Sunday school most weeks as a kid, it payed off in the long run. I eventually turned from someone who was memorizing songs about some guy who died two-thousand years ago and watching veggie tales after school, into someone who lives to glorify God and is eager to get into the Word and serve others every day. Someone who now looks forward to going to church, youth group, bible studies, or whatever it may be. Not because doing all of those godly things makes me a better Christian, but because I love to do it, and I love learning about my King, a man who is worthy of our praise, worthy of us still talking about him two-thousand years later, a man who was crucified on the cross to save us from our sins. 
What do my days look like? Well, I am a junior at Snohomish High School-- I go there for four periods: Photography, Pre Calculus, US History, and Physics. I would say that the whole high school scene isn’t really my thing any more. Two years has done me well, and I am ready and have been moving on to, in my opinion, better things in my life and with my education. For the second part of my day, I go to Everett Community College, where I am a Running Start student, and take an American Sign Language (ASL) class. Finally, my last class is this English class. I took this class because I am looking to improve my English skills as well as working towards fulfilling my high school graduation requirements. After school, I usually have some church function that I go to. In between this and that, you can find me at Starbucks. This is a place where I am most productive and most focused. It is away from many distractions, I love the atmosphere of the place, and of course I love their coffee! In fact, most of the work for this course will be done from some Starbucks. After all of that, I head home and usually work out. If I am too tired for that, I’ll pick up a good book, listen to music, or surf the web. Somehow, I’ll find my self still awake around 11:30 PM wondering why I am still up... This is something has has to change soon, haha! Oh, and in the midst of all of that, I do my homework, read my bible, and occasionally hang out with friends. 
Up until this year, I have been actively involved with sports. I have played basketball, volleyball, soccer, and golf. But the sport I have focused on the most, is soccer. I have been playing soccer since I was six, that’s a total of ten years. And for the past five or six years I have basically devoted my time and energy to year-round, select soccer. Now, I wouldn’t have given up all the time or traveling if I didn’t love it, but this year I decided that it wasn’t something I wanted to continue with, so I stopped playing on my select team. This was a very difficult decision I made, but it was worthwhile, and I’m glad I did. Although I am happy with the decision I made, I still miss it and my team from time to time, but that’s okay because come fall time, I will be playing on my high school team, which I enjoy very much.
I am an organized, self-motivated, and dedicated leader. I value friendships very much and love to give to others as much as I can. I try my hardest at everything that is put in front of me, and I am constantly setting newer, and higher goals for myself. Typically, you can find a couple sticky notes on my desk at home with a list of things to do. I am a dedicated and focused student, and I am also looking forward to the rest of this quarter, as I hope this class with open my eyes to a new horizon of English and its culture.

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